Fischer will finally take a nap in a big bed, which allows us to have Sunday lunch at my in-laws every now and then. However, this day he woke up too early, and mommy was outside, so he took a nap on Grandpa!
Dustin is on a men's soccer team that plays on Sunday's some pics from their game last Sunday:
This is Paul...he just had twins! (well, his wife did)
Funtasia is a huge indoor (airconditioned!) playground at the Family Fun Center in Lakeland. Fischer LOVES this place. I still have to crawl in with him, b/c he had no fear at all, but it's lots of fun.
Look how high I am Nana!
Slow down...wait for Momma!
Slides are his favorite.
He still enjoys the under 3 section, even though he likes the big kid stuff (and it gives mommy a chance to rest!).
Checking out the video games before we leave.
Here's Eva, getting bigger and more beautiful each time we see her!
Those of you in Lakeland know all about the Strawberry Festival, and those of you in WF have heard me talk about it by now, so here are some pictures of our fun day!
Fischer LOVED the carousel the best...he smiled the enitre ride and laughed out loud everytime we saw Papa, Nana, and Auntie waving.
The train ride was fun with Auntie at this point...then he decided he was "all done" and it was all Auntie could do to keep him in the train until it stopped!
My little strawberry prince!
He wouldn't let Auntie and me sit in the strawberry with him...he pushed us off, so we had to stand beside him for a picture.
He wasn't so sure about this guy (but he was really tired at this point...he had enjoyed their music earlier).
His favorite part is always the big machinery.
So tired after so much fun!
I don't have any pics of him seeing the livestock, but it was the day they were judging rabbits, roosters, and goats. While walking through, he turned to Auntie and asked, "Where the monkeys?" (I think he thought we were at the zoo)!
Thanks Troy, Andi, and Eva for letting us borrow the stroller...he never would have been able to nap in the umbrella stroller, and probably would have been sunburned as well!
There was a benefit for an injured boy in Lakeland when we were visiting, so Fischer got to see Monster Trucks and pet some animals. If you didn't know, he's a huge fan of Monster Trucks (he watches them on youtube and plays "crash" with his cars).
The Monster Bus! (Fischer is underneath it)
Grinning from ear to ear!
The petting zoo had some strange animals, like this Miniature Scottish Highland Cow:
Fischer preferred the chickens and ducks.
I did finally get him to pet the miniature horse, but he didn't care about it much either.
Fischer and I took a 10 day excursion to Florida to visit all my family. Here are some pictures from the week (with many more to come in upcoming posts).
Riding the train with PaPa at the mall:
I thought this video was cute b/c you can see Fischer ringing the bell on the train when he comes by:
We made him carry his own bags: (of course I'm joking...he insisted!)
Practicing for many future outings with Papa:
Sidewalk chalk with Auntie:
It's hot!
Still loves this swing!
But his favorite will always been riding in the wagon with his cowboy hat and Papa pulling him around:
Our friends Kyle, Lindsey, and their little girl Pierce came to WF for a visit, so we went out to see them at Kyle's dad's farm:
Fischer really liked the big tractor (Kyle took him for a ride later)!
Daddy took him for a ride in this big-ol' 4-wheeler.
Pierce looking pretty as ever!
Learning to didn't work out so well!
Talking to Nana on the phone:
Nanny's b-day party:
Eating breakfast with Uncle Patrick (I think this was Fischer's 3rd breakfast that day!)
What a fun toy to have in the tub! Daddy let him bring this one in...then he beat on it like a drum with my hairbrush!
Fischer was playing notes on the piano and singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." I only got the tail end of it captured on video, but you'll be able to hear "how I wonder what you are" very clearly. Then, he suprised me by turning to the camera and saying, "Cool Tricks, Cool Tricks!" (any of you who watch Yo Gabba Gabba will recognize that!)
If you haven't ever read Fox in Socks to your little ones, here's a snippit of what you are missing: