Thursday, August 13, 2009

Texas Time!

Fischer and I went on a whirl-wind trip to Texas this weekend to see all of Dustin's family...we flew in on Friday, visited with the Jones family on Saturday, the Henry family on Sunday, a waterpark on Monday, then flew back Tuesday...whew!!

Fischer preparing to make a boat with Grandma at Lowe's (he didn't finish...he got scared when I walked off):

Playing cars with Grandpa:

More cars...still a favorite activity:

Uncle Solomon showing him how to make the dog bark:

He was tired here and didn't want his picture taken with Nanny and PeeWee:

What else would you expect to find in a Texas mall? :)

Fun with cousin Tara (but he wouldn't sit for a picture):

Notice how Fischer is in the middle, with everyone's chairs pulled up around him...the center of attention as always!

MawMaw and PawPaw (his great-grandparents):

Great-Uncle Gene and Great-Aunt Debbie (am I making you feel old yet?):

Great-Uncle Bill and Great-Aunt Elaine (sorry Grandpa Jack and Granna...I must have been packing up when you had your picture with Fischer):

Playing with Uncle Patrick at Castaway Cove:

1 comment:

The Martens said...

You guys were VERY busy! Looks like you had fun though! How was the water park? - Weve never been.