Sunday, January 27, 2008

What a cutie!

Here are the adorable pictures we had taken at Sears! (Don't worry, we purchased the copywright). Fischer is getting bigger every day...and sleeping 8 hours every night!


Anonymous said...

How adorable!! He is such a handsome baby boy! Troy and I are very happy (for the two of you) to hear that Fischer is sleeping so long through the night... we're going to purchase the book that you're using!
Love, Andi and Troy

Anonymous said...

Aww, he looks so cute! They look professionally done! :)
Amy P.

Anonymous said...

I just love being able to keep up with you guys... Claudia and I are so excited for you ... we look forward to seeing him in the Spring or early Summer... he is adorable!!!!!

Danny & Claudia -- Uganda