Happy 2nd birthday to the sweetest boy in the world! You make your daddy and me so proud to be your parents every day. You give the sweetest hugs and kisses, and we just can't get enough! These have been the best 2 years of our lives and we're looking forward to all the future years we have with you. You are the best Christmas present we could ever get!
Today, when I woke you up and said "happy birthday," you replied, "watch TV, chair, milk!" which meant you wanted to watch TV in the rocking chair with me and drink your milk. You are so smart and so verbal and expressive. We can't help but smile and laugh every day at all the funny things you do and say. You love to be the center of attention and to say "hi" and "bye-bye" to everyone (including strangers), and you love to play with your toy cars ALL the time! What a sweet gift you have been to our family. We love you!
Here are some pics and videos from Fischer's 2nd birthday party:
Here's the birthday boy with his new basketball!
Pierce sitting pretty in the cozy coupe!
Check out those gorgeous blue eyes!
Fischer jumping with the girls (from left): Dee, Haylee, and Abby.
Dee is enjoying a break on the bounce house.
Abby insisted that Fischer eat with her...and he only ate potato chips!
Haylee, her mom Tabitha, and Dee.
Fischer still didn't quite understand the opening part of the presents, but he definitely loved the toys afterwards!
The birthday cake.
He loves to be the center of attention when he realizes everyone is looking at him!
Oblivious to everything but the cake:
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