Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lots of Stuff

I'm a little behind with my blogging, so here are some pictures from the last few weeks. I will follow them soon with some more really cute videos!

Labor Day: Playing with Cousin Matt and his girlfriend Rich in Orlando (other cousins and family not pictured); hanging out with daddy at the lake behind the cousins' house.

August 21: Playing with our good friend Leo...he's 2 and he's the smartest kid we know! (not kidding!)

Following in daddy's footsteps!

Yummy teething biscuit! He had to go straight to the bath after this!

This is the wild peacock that lives in the nieghborhood where we walk...no one knows where it came from, it just showed up a few years ago and never left! Fischer also had his first experience in grass this day (for those of you up north, we have too many fireants to let him crawl on untreated grass...this is at a friend's house)

Pastor Danny and Mrs. Claudia, who have been in Uganda the past 3 years, came for a visit!

We went to Texas (just Fischer and me) for a long weekend in August. Here he's hanging out at Grandma's house!

Visiting with Grandpa Jack and later with Solomon while in Texas!

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