With baby on the way in just 3 short months, we decided to go ahead and get Fischer used to his new toddler bed (which he thinks is a very big boy bed!). We were prepared for a few days of a struggle sleeping, but instead, when he saw us putting it together in the living room, he ran and got his puppy, blanket, and pillow to lay on it (even before the matress was there!). He took his nap in it a few minutes later, and hasn't had any trouble adjusting!
Last Friday we went to a surprise party for Tabitha at a local Mexican restaurant.
Yummy birthday cake!
That Saturday we went out to Tabitha's parents house for a pool party. Fischer had lots of fun riding the John Deere (daddy had to stay close to steer for him, but their yard is big with nothing to run into).
Ignore the screams in this video...it's just kids playing in the pool behind me and has nothing to do with Fischer on the John Deere.
Playing at the mall on a day too hot to go outside (which has been many lately). This is Fischer's favorite car, so I always bring some quarters for him to ride. However, he never steers, he only sits with his arm around the puppy!
Showing off his mad dance skills in the arcade at the mall (to the music of a game).