I first saw the idea at the Strawberry Festival, but they were going to be around $75 each, so I decided to do it myself.
The first frame I made was for my dad for Father's day...I got the frame for $24.99 at Kirklands and printed the pictures I took in 5x7 black-and-white at Sam's Club (about $2.00 total). Plus, most of the pictures are from around my father's house, so it's more meaningful!
My dad's turned out the best...the W is a palm plant in his flower bed, the A is his sawhorse behind the shed, the first L is the corner of his flower bed, the second L is the seat on his boat, and the S came from a canopy at Sam's club (his favorite store!). This frame is actually brown, but looks black in the picture.
Since my dad's turned out so well, I decided to make them for the rest of the family...ironically, we all have 5-letter last names, so I didn't have to search stores for different frames!
I made this one for me and another for Dustin's brother. The H is the window on my cousin's camper (although I think I'm going to change it to a field goal post from a nearby school...I have found that those with backgrounds make better pictures), the E is from a wrought-iron gate at an antique store in downtown Lakeland, the N is from my dad's fence around the cow pasture, the R is a light post (I'm still looking for a better R as well, maybe a spigot?), and the Y is a tree in my parent's front yard. I chose the black frame for my house b/c it matched better, but it had gold "beading" around it, so I bought a cheap silver paint pen and turned them silver.